Ayesha fatima
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


5 Habits to Reduce Belly Fat without going to Gym

Do you want to get rid of your belly fat and that without going to gym? Here we will

discuss five habits you can adopt in your daily life to make your dream come true. We, especially ladies, love toned and taut tummies. Most people are unable to go to gym due to their busy schedules. This article is surely going to help you. Here we will discuss five habits you can easily inculcate in your busy routine and make yourself look smart and feel great.

1. Drink plenty of water:

Start your day with a glass of warm water and give a boost to your metabolism. It immediately hydrates your body, helps in detoxification, and activates your digestive system. This is not enough. You need to take 20 glasses of water in a day. That suppresses your appetite, and you will see the results on your weighing machine soon.

2. Morning walk:

A morning walk not only helps you in losing belly fat but also adapts you towards a healthy lifestyle. Morning walk is not the simple walk you do in a park with your friend while chatting & gossiping. It is a brisk walk that is needed. Start with a 20 min time and gradually increase the time up to 40 min. The fresh breath you take in will fuel you up for the whole day. This will also make your stomach and GIT get ready for the first and the most important meal of your day.

3. Avoid white sugar:

Sugar is half fructose and half glucose. When you take white sugar, glucose provides you with energy. Fructose directly goes to your liver for storage and ultimately starts to deposit around your abdomen. Studies have shown that replacing sugar with low-calorie sweeteners results in rapid weight loss.

Liquid sugar is way worse since our brain cannot register the liquid calorie count resulting in taking up a huge amount of calories that too deposited in the liver and abdominal region. So wholly avoid beverages, sodas, sweetened fruit juices if you want to fit into your old outfits.

4. Switch to green tea:

If you think your day must start with a cup of tea or coffee or else you will be sleepy all day, then you are wrong.t. Try to switch to green tea to avoid extra calories in your diet. It contains catechin (an antioxidant) that detoxifies your body and helps you shed some extra pounds. It also improves your overall health and contributes positively to your energy levels.

5.NO eating in evening hours:

This really will help you in your weight loss journey. Stop eating after 8 pm or at least 2–3 hours before bedtime. We are generally not very active in the late hours of the day, so the calories are hard to be consumed. It is advisable to have a light dinner so in the night calories from your night meal are entirely used up by our body. Also, say a big no to late-night munchings.

Concluding words:

Weight loss is a very common goal, but if you really want to achieve your targets, you need to transform your lifestyle. A healthy routine cannot only bring you back in shape but is very important for your own well-being. So let’s make all these habits a part of our lives and make ourselves physically and mentally fit & strong.

