5 top ways to increase the traffic on your blog

Ayesha fatima
3 min readMar 17, 2022

If you are a newbie and know nothing about marketing your website, then hang on. You are going to learn much about marketing strategies. Everyone who creates a website or starts a youtube channel needs a crowd around without which people get frustrated and lose hope. Getting more people attracted to your blog is not that difficult. Here we will discuss 5 ways to increase the traffic on your blog.

  1. Be focused on your niche:

When you are focussed on your target, success is immeasurable. The first spice you must add to your recipe is your hard work, diligence, and level of commitment. Do research, make it worth reading content. You have to make it clear to your audience that you know your niche. Live-tweeting or streaming on chef events can be a gamechanger. All you need is consideration, determination, and dedication.

2. Promote with social media:

Social media promotion is a little time taking but very effective. You have to be very active on Facebook, Instagram, and other social networks. According to a survey, Instagram and LinkedIn are the most used social media platforms for global marketing.

Follow influencers and their posts. Leave pensive comments on them. Send back their videos to them with your voice-over. Appreciate their skills, expertise, and content. Build a strong association with them then share your work with them. Within a few days, you and your work will become famous in a huge, qualitative population.

3. Make internal linking your routine:

Internal linking is hyperlinking to your blog post from your existing articles. Hyperlink in your blog post from your exciting articles. It plays an important role in SEO.

If you make more and more internal linking in your blog. It will bring your article to the loftiest position in Google ranking. This ultimately increases the click-through rate. It also implies your article covers all the important facts & figures about a particular topic.

4. Create viral content:

There is no rocket science behind creating viral content. The first, simple and most important point to be noted here is to make extraordinary headings. Your headline will decide whether to click on your post or just scroll down.

A picture speaks 1000 words, so imagine the importance of videos. Add visuals and graphics to elaborate your story. People love to read and visualize emotions. Spice up your script by putting in emotions of happiness, grief, love, hatred, fun, or surprise.

These are the primary tips. Try to adopt a different tone. You may add humor, people love a little fun in almost every kind of content. Now Leave everything on your luck factor because you cannot ignore it fully.

5. Email marketing:

Email marketing is an act of sending promotional messages using personalized information. Email marketing is considered to be the most reliable and famous source of marketing for decades. After you have attracted your audience to your website, go for this strategy. Get emails from as many people as you can. For this make your email list. Do this using a pop-up box, sidebar, or a simple text to ask people to join your mailing list.

Concluding lines:

You have now got the basic tactics to drive traffic towards your website or blog. Be consistent and have fun while doing your work. If you enjoy doing your work this is going to be reflected in your content. Making wise moves while marketing will flourish your blog or website. Good luck

