Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare Department

Ayesha fatima
3 min readOct 19, 2023

Artificial intelligence is a great collaboration of human cognition with machine.AI enables our computers and other machines to mimic human intelligence. The healthcare department is always undergoing major yet important changes.

AI has a wide scope of excellence from drug discovery to implications of the formula on a specific case. However, the role of AI in healthcare has greatly impacted the health industry in practical and useful ways. It has a vital role in analysis, diagnosis, and prognosis which can further help doctors and medical practitioners to make a better treatment plan.

Role of AI in cancer research:

AI can process large amounts of data, recognize, compare and evaluate it in a far better way than it was done previously within no time. The matter of big concern is, this is all done with more accuracy.

The capabilities of AI are being used in cervical and prostate cancer. NCI investigators contribute in the greatest way in the diagnosis of precancerous lesions by producing digital images. Biopsies alone cannot give the exact idea about prostate cancer, however, MRI images along with biopsy can make a clear diagnosis of the regions where malignant cells are most likely to be found.

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery:

A drug is a chemical molecule. When it binds to its target (a protein that is involved in disease), it produces its action. Old methods that involve screening of thousands of molecules to find out the most suitable one have been swapped.

AI does not merely rely on pre-established targets, which significantly expand the accuracy rate. It uses the most recent research in biological sciences and computing, which results in a rapid increase in processing power and decreased processing cost. The possibility of false positives can be reduced by carefully designing the parameters of the drug screening process.

Artificial Intelligence is a lifesaver in an emergency ward:

During a sudden heart attack, time is crucial. AI is able to analyze both verbal and nonverbal hints to establish an urgent decision. Corti is the tool that provides this assistance to the paramedical staff. The Voice of the patient and his background history are the triggers of Corti. In this way, it makes the staff alert by detecting instability in the patient’s condition.

Wearable Gadgets For Personal Healthcare:

A smartwatch can measure your blood pressure. Your smartphone can count your daily steps. With the launch of the Apple Watch Series 4, the user is able to get his ECG checked directly from his west. Fast and slow heartbeats can be clocked and users get a notification of an irregular heartbeat.

All these wearable technologies have been repurposed, improving the quality of life.


The benefits of AI in healthcare are uncountable. AI is becoming a transformational source in healthcare but the challenge is, its implementation can be difficult for daily clinical practice. However there is no doubt, whatever are the pros of AI, it cannot wholly replace clinicians and technicians.

